SamS;437043 Wrote: 
> Thanks for the links guys.  Looks like I might wait a bit longer until
> the setup/installation is a bit more mapped out or "plug 'n play".  I'm
> no developer or expert with command lines ;-)
> In happier news, my Transporter arrives Friday :D

Same here.  What I think I see so far are the all the parts w/o any
instruction manual.  

Having a Pogoplug I can get into the little guy and see what's
installed and the general lay of the land.  And there seems to be a
different packaging structure, at least it's not deb, based on what I
find at the Openpogo repo site

And I've got no breadcrumbs to lay down in case I get lost and really
screw things up.  The folks at Pogoplug haven't provided a "factory

So, I supposed I'll await docs before I try anything.

p.s. if anyone's got a good scheme to launch pogoplugfs on Linux after
a wireless connection happens, let me know.  I figure there must be
something in Linux that flags a successful connection so I can use cron
or something else to make the process as automagic as Windoze.

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