iPhone;438303 Wrote: 
> I would love to see Logitech take a crack at video, but there is the
> HDX-1000 for $219 that I think does just about everything video wise.
> Looking at what is in the box, I can't figure out HOW they could make it
> for $219 much less sell it of that. That device is mentioned someplace
> in the Forums. Here is the 'HDX-1000'
> (http://www.hdx1080.com/index.php?page=shop.product_details&category_id=1&flypage=flypage.ilvm_blue.tpl&product_id=3&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=100094&vmcchk=1&Itemid=100094)
> So having said that, is it worth trying to expand into that market when
> the price is hammered down that low already? Looking at the available
> box, it is like the computer market. Who in their right mind would start
> a mom & pop computer business or try to start a new Computer brand with
> what is out there now IE no margin whatsoever?

I have been banging on about the HDX1000 for a few months. Logitech
have done well to maintain the pricing of their products, but I do see
devices like the HDX as game changers.  All the functionality of an SB,
for less $$, with video, local hard disk support and a great case thrown
in for free. I have ordered one, just to see if it really has anything
inside the box for that price. On a similar note, I do think the
Logitech Harmony product faces similar challenges from iPod touch based
multi remotes.
If I were Logitech, I would be tempted to stick a 'squeezebox' sticker
on the front of an HDX1000, and spend all the development $$ I had saved
on excellent front end and server software to support it.

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