Andy8421;439367 Wrote: 
> If I were Logitech, I would be tempted to stick a 'squeezebox' sticker
> on the front of an HDX1000, and spend all the development $$ I had saved
> on excellent front end and server software to support it.

"HDX 1000 uses the Networked Media Tank (NMT) middleware provided by
Syabas, which is a established middleware company".

I've got a Popcorn Hour, which is also using the Syabas's nice enough, but it's not particularly stable (I'm
using an older firmware, because the newer ones are even less stable),
can't play DTS FLACs and isn't gapless.  Reliability-wise, a Squeezebox
is 100 and a Popcorn Hour is 50.

Maybe the HDX1000 is better, but I wouldn't count on it.

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