after spending half the day researching this forum, the bugzilla
database and the forum over at and not finding anything
conclusive, i give up and post my own thread now.

first, my symptoms:
-> on the odd occasion i _can_ get my players synced, it holds for
anywhere between 5 to 50 minutes, then breaks
-> usually, sync just slowly drifts apart. if i let it run, it will
usually drift apart by about 2-3 seconds after about 30 minutes or so
-> i can aggravate it by loading a new playlist while synched. my
playlists are large, ~1000 tracks. that breaks sync almost immediately.
-> a song transition (i have crossfade active) also seems to provoke
the issue
-> once broken, the only way i have found to re-sync is to cold-boot
one or both players and/or restart SC.
-> after an SC restart, sync seems to work for a while before the
problems start over.
-> the situation seems to be deteriorating continuously. currently, it
is almost impossible for me to acheive any reasonable synching at all.
-> the problem seems to be independent of the load on my qnap's

now, my environment:
Version: 7.3.2 - 24695 @ Mon Jan 19 18:36:25 PST 2009
Hostname: Turbonas
Server IP Address:
Server HTTP Port Number: 9001
Operating system: Linux - EN - iso-8859-1 
Platform Architecture: armv5tejl-linux
Perl Version: 5.8.8 - armv5tejl-linux-thread-multi
MySQL Version: 5.0.27
Total Players Recognized: 2
-> both players are SB3/classics, both run FW 123
-> running on a qnap turbonas 409, FW 2.1.4 Build 0318T, with SSTOS
-> my library is about 50% vorbis (native), 45% mp3 (native) and 5% AAC
-> my playlists are typically ~500-1000 tracks long, but the problem
also occurs with shorter playlists ~40 tracks.
-> control is exclusively done by the remote control
-> my qnap is configured to update its system clock every hour by ntp.
i have verified this actually works.
-> my players are connected by wifi. the network test comes through up
to 4000 kbit @ 100% for at least 10 minutes.

does anyone have any suggestions for me? please keep in mind that i
only have rudimentary linux knowledge...

thanks VERY much in advance!

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