On 8/6/2009 5:17 PM, radish wrote:
> ModelCitizen;446424 Wrote:
>> God, you're so squeaky.
>> MC
> It took me a while to realise what you meant (clean..right?). I'm
> really not, but I do have a lot of friends in/links to the music world
> and I've seen the damage it does. Your morals are your own, and I
> certainly don't want to turn this into another endless copyright thread,
> but my point stands. There's no difference between selling the CD post
> rip and just using a torrent in the first place - it's up to you whether
> that's a problem or not.

Is it OK to sell my CDs if I still keep the vinyl the record companies 
sold me the first time around?

Not a hypothetical question.

Bill Burns
Long Island   NY   USA
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