I think I can see a possible problem related to a low power server on an
XP machine.

I run a Via based server running XP. Storage is directly attached.

By default SqueezeCenter runs as 'above normal priority' but mov123 and
flac seem to run at normal priority (I most use ALAC, but reconfigure to
use mov123 which copies with my 24bit ALAC files).

Normally things work OK - although I'm also seeing some re-buffering

However when I run a low priority task on the server I see a problem
soon after the start of every track.

When I look at task manager at these points I see SqueeseCenter taking
almost all the the CPU starving mov123 and flac. I assume it's doing
some refresh of the Web client or Controller or other housekeeping.

My guess is that mov123 should be at least as high priority as
SqueezeCenter -and probably higher.

Could this be the same as some other people are reporting?

- Greg

GregD's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=248
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=65719

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