pablolie;456370 Wrote: 
> Now someone is going to ask about "what about library management"? Most
> people don't need r think about that, either. They have their stuff on
> an iPhone or iPod, short-sighted as it may be. 
> Furthermore, I think stuff like Pandora, with inreasingly personalized
> content, is all most people are going to care about soon enough. Why
> even own music? Let the cloud provide me with what I like when I am in
> the modd to listen.
Agreed. And with the iPod Touch (and I presume the iPhone) you can get
Pandora. Increasingly downloads are direct to the portable player,
further reducing the need to get a standard computer involved, or even
an SB Touch. 

I don't own an iAnything and don't plan to (my portable players are my
Blackberry and a Sansa), whereas I have more SBs than I can use right
now. But if your hypothetical user doesn't want to rip, tag, or
otherwise faff about with music files on a computer and already has a
portable player, then I think any network music solution (SB, Sonos,
Cisco, Sooloos, etc) is just asking for frustration. Some people
shouldn't sew their own clothes, some people shouldn't drive manual
transmissions, and some people shouldn't run network music systems.
Maybe I'm just not a good proselytizer....

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