pippin;467925 Wrote: 
> Choice. It was always buggy and you were at risk of disconnecting the
> "dot control" from the actual page.
> Did you actually use this?Yes, but it's not a big thing. 
> Could you file  a ticket? I want to do a big cache-makeover after 1.3
> to also cache several servers and improve some other things.
> https://trac.penguinlovesmusic.de/trac/ipengnat/OK, will do. Just did some 
> testing. Can see that while my iPeng is
"loading", load on server is pretty low (approx. 83% idle, 1.33 GHz
> Generally, I'm not aware that anything has changed on the
> artists/genres query code so I'm surprised that it behaves different.
> Genres have always been slow.It's not - it was the same problem with the 
> previous version. 

What I do: "Genres -> All Albums"...and the result in 1.2 is literally
*ALL Albums*. Not good, because what I ultimately wish to do is to
shuffle all songs to listen to random stuff from a specific genre. 

The good news is the "contextual menu", which seems to work. Holding
down on a chosen Genre brings up a "Play" option. So this works for now.

> Err... no? Problem is I can't test this right now since I don't have
> MusicIP on my 7.3 server. It should be in the Album Context menu that
> you get when "holding" an album. And in the TrackInfo menu you get when
> "hold"ing a track within an album or on the current playlist or the
> NowPlaying cover art.
> Is it not there? What do you see?MusicIP shows up nicely in the contextual 
> menus everywhere. Only issue
seems to be that mixing is very slow (albeit, no load for MusicIP on the
server while mixing !?). But it works if you have a bit of patience. And
that is nice :-)

I'll btw. give 7.4.1 a shot...

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