peterw;470888 Wrote: 
> Are you saying you're surprised that some number of Logitech SMBU's
> Squeezebox bugs were reported by customers/outsiders? I'm not. I expect
> that a large percentage of every software vendor's bugs are reported by
> customers; certainly I've reported my share of bugs that the vendor had
> previously not been aware of, including to companies as large as
> Microsoft.
> These forums are not an official Logitech support channel, so don't be
> surprised if a Logitech employee asks you to open a bug about something
> you report here. Logitech staff reading these forums aren't under the
> same obligations as, say, front-line customer service reps. This is a
> good thing; if Logitech staff had to file paperwork every time they
> perceived a problem report or enhancement request here, they'd likely
> simply stay away from the forums, and that would be a bad thing for
> Logitech and us.

Thanks, your and Aubuti's comments partially filled in the blanks.

I understand that product problems often come from customers, and I
understand the difference between a forum and a support channel. It's
more the many times I've read an employee tell someone "make sure you
report this in the system" that I found odd. 

It was almost as if the person was saying "I could care less and I'm
not going to do anything about it, if it matters to you, you need to act
on it". It seemed dismissive to me, and perhaps bordering on rude
(there's the tie in to the thread). I guess maybe that's not intended. 

Thanks again.

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