More experimantation, different server Q9450, music on 5400rpm WD Green
Power 1Tb and Samsung 1.5Tb EcoGreen HD154UI, 4GbRAM. XP Pro SP3 
Version: 7.3.4 - 28402 @ Sun Sep 13 03:01:44 PDT 2009
Directory Scan   (97147  of  97147)   Complete  01:12:22
MusicIP Import   (97146  of  97146)   Complete  00:46:40
Playlist Scan   (21  of  21)   Complete  00:00:14
Merge Various Artists   (7730  of  7730)   Complete  00:01:31
Artwork Scan   (8431  of  8431)   Complete  00:29:25
Database Optimize   (0  of  )   Complete  00:02:39

SqueezeCenter has finished scanning your music collection.
Total Time: 02:32:51 (Saturday, October 31, 2009 / 9:04 PM)

Installed Moonbase's and set innodb_buffer_pool_size = 500M.
Music Scan Details
Directory Scan   (97147  of  97147)   Complete  01:03:50
MusicIP Import   (97146  of  97146)   Complete  00:21:12
Playlist Scan   (21  of  21)   Complete  00:00:06
Merge Various Artists   (7730  of  7730)   Complete  00:01:27
Artwork Scan   (8431  of  8431)   Complete  00:28:43
Database Optimize   (0  of  )   Complete  00:00:31

SqueezeCenter has finished scanning your music collection.
Total Time: 01:55:49 (Sunday, November 1, 2009 / 12:17 AM)

During both scans I monitored memory usage of mysqld.exe with Windows
Task Manager, standard used 18,242K, modified built up to a
peak of about 580,000K after scanning about 60,000 tracks. I also
monitored disk i/o using Windows Process Monitor; with the standard mysqld.exe dominated the disk i/o, with the modified
scanner.exe was the major disk i/o until 60,000 tracks then mysqld.exe
occasionally did some disk i/o but only 3 or 4 Mb in a burst.

The web UI is now a pleasure to use. I had stopped using it since I
bought iPeng as the ui was so slow and even caused re-buffering in the
music, but it is now very fast for searches and to display album art.

After the scan, mysqld.exe was still using 580M of RAM, so I re-booted
the server to see if it would release some RAM, which it does. It has
now been running for an hour, I have done some music searches, browse
albums and artists an the mysqld.exe is using only 146,808K, less than
the 170,304K that SQUEEZ~1.EXE is using.

Conclusion - if you have plenty of RAM in your server, give the
innodb_buffer_pool_size as much ram as you can, up to the size of
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application
Data\SqueezeCenter\Cache\MySQL. mysqld.exe will use all it can on a
clear and rescan but after a scan will only use what it needs.


A camel is a racehorse designed by a committee.
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