Standard , system is XP SP3, Q9300, 4Gb RAM, music on 1Tb WD Green
Power and 1.5Tb Samsung EcoGreen 154UI, both low performance 5400rpm

Version: 7.3.4 - 28402 @ Sun Sep 13 03:01:44 PDT 2009
Operating system: Windows XP - EN - cp1252
Platform Architecture: 586
Perl Version: 5.8.8 - MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
MySQL Version: 5.0.22-community-nt
Total Players Recognized: 0

Music Scan Details
Directory Scan   (97147  of  97147)   Complete  01:29:11
MusicIP Import   (97146  of  97146)   Complete  01:01:52
Playlist Scan   (21  of  21)   Complete  00:00:19
Merge Various Artists   (7417  of  7417)   Complete  00:01:30
Artwork Scan   (8107  of  8107)   Complete  00:29:07
Database Optimize   (0  of  )   Complete  00:04:05

SqueezeCenter has finished scanning your music collection.
Total Time: 03:06:04 (Friday, October 30, 2009 / 1:50 PM)

Moonbase's modified
Music Scan Details
Directory Scan   (97147  of  97147)   Complete  01:14:23
MusicIP Import   (97146  of  97146)   Complete  00:30:50
Playlist Scan   (21  of  21)   Complete  00:00:13
Merge Various Artists   (7417  of  7417)   Complete  00:01:33
Artwork Scan   (8108  of  8108)   Complete  00:28:59
Database Optimize   (0  of  )   Complete  00:01:33

SqueezeCenter has finished scanning your music collection.
Total Time: 02:17:31 (Saturday, October 31, 2009 / 9:21 AM)

Significant speed up. I don't know why it found one more artwork,
nothing was changed.
A bit of Googling on optimizing Mysql led me to this
which has some good links for those who want to experiment further.


A camel is a racehorse designed by a committee.
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