Quoting "max.spicer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> What's the snow saver?

When screensavers were first added to the slimserver featureset (before
SqueezeBoxG was released), Felix posted a Snow screensaver that used custom
characters to show falling 'snowflakes' on the display. It was fantastic, and
eventually included in the server builds in order to demo the screensaver
feature.  When the display went graphic, the server no longer supported the
custom characters in the same way. The snow screensaver was rendered useless
for all new devices and is no longer included in the builds. It needs a fairly
extensive rewrite, and while the server is closer to supporting custom symbols,
it probably does need more work to get there.  As you can imagine, rendering
falling snow on the screen tends to get lost in all the other work.

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