There's plenty of discussion of this on the web by very informed folks
(in this forum and other places), so I don't want to turn this thread
into a repeat of all that info. You may have amazing hearing, but there
is lots of scientific evidence that clearly indicates that it is fairly
rare for any individual to be able to ABX in a blind test the difference
between a properly encoded 128 mp3 with the original CD. If you were
posting over at the folks would demand that you post
your blind ABX test results to back up your statement about detecting
differences (one of their terms of service). Of course, we're not over
there and things are much looser here. 

I can't speak to streams from pandora as there are so many more
variables in the mix other than just the actual source file (and not
sure how to easily do an ABX test with pandora stream since you don't
have the source file in another format).  Keep in mind that even
extremely small differences in volume can make one source sound better
than another (again, lots of hard evidence on this).

Bottom line, Pandora may very well not sound as good as your local
files, but in general, 128 (created with a modern, quality encoder) is
typically transparent for most users on most music. Your statement that
the reverse is true flies in the face of lots of controlled experiments.
I'm not trying to pick a fight by the way, I just hate to see myths
about lossy encoding quality be perpetuated. That said, there are lots
of reason to rip music to FLAC (or other lossless format), and I do so
with all my own CDs.

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