SilverRS8;502122 Wrote: 
> You are probably using Windows 7? Bill has decided to set the display to
> 125% of its normal size causing many application (especially web based
> apps) with font sizing issues. I have not found a way yet to reduce this
> by code for ACC only and I don't think there is a way to do this.
> If the screen layout does not look like the screenshots on the ACC
> download page, position your mouse on the ACC screen, hold CTRL and use
> the scroll wheel to reduce Bills magnification factor. Or ofcourse
> reduce the Windows maginication to 100% (which sound more normal)
> I'll create an automatic popup when Windows 7 is detected with this
> message.
> About the codec in the table of contents, in my opinion the TOC should
> only include main data referred to, not meta data.
> The codec info is however included (if selected) in the Quickref
> catalog.
> Does this address your issues?
> Frank

No issues. I edited my post before you answered. The problem before was
between the keyboard and the screen (the end user). I'm happy with the
resulting catalog layout now.

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