I think I'd use a Snapgear 300 series for a firewall, something wireless
for a wireless access point, and a separate modem.
I put these in at client sites, where they're rock solid, plus I've
personally been using a Snapgear 560 for quite a few years now (this one
does fail-over - I have multiple connections to the internet -, and, as
well, has a separate processor for doing encrypt/decrypt on multiple
busy IPSEC connections).
Snapgear's been successively acquired by a number of
increasingly-larger companies over the years, but, through all that,
they've continued to provide free firmware updates. They're also really
good about supporting open source work. If you check out s/wan, for
instance, you'll see snapgear engineers working there.

I've had to reboot once in eight (nine?) years. I think that may have
been a power surge. Got a power conditioning UPS and haven't had an
issue in the last five or six.

What else? IPSEC's easy to setup, PPTP (server and client) rock solid.
Ditto L2TP. Built-in SNORT, plus intrusion detection. (you can "go dark"
for a particular address if you detect they're port probing).

I'm a DD-WRT fan, too, but, compared to these boxes it isn't even
close. However, WRT may be enough for your needs.

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