herbman;536135 Wrote: 
> I'm detecting a small note of hostility in some of these responses. I'm
> really just asking some questions and expressing some concerns; there's
> no need to jump on me for it. I was an early supporter and will likely
> be a future supporter, I'm just trying to get a grasp on the best
> timing for what will work for me.

I don't think any hostility was intended.

But your problem reminds me of an ex..  She took a photography class
three years or so ago, and the instructor insisted everyone use film,
not digital cameras.  The logic was 'digital cameras are outdated as
soon as you buy them, so you should invest in film'.

Total nonsense: unless you pay a small fortune for a top of the line
slr and lenses and film, film is outdated already.   Yes, there will
always be "something better" coming in the future.. but you deprive
yourself of the present for that.

(Not to mention, especially for students, digital is a gift: feel free
to waste as many shots as you learn, it substantially lowers the cost
of experimentation.)

So, yeah, some year there will be a Boom2 (or would it be Radio++?). 
There will be a SuperTouch or whatever.  But why deprive yourself of
present and near-term (for some definition of that... who knows if it
will be a year or 4?) in hopes of that future product, which will also
be superceded at some point...

If you have the money, choose the player that suits your needs, it's
silly to wait for future technology.

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