Come on in the water is fine!

I've never used a slimp3, but I'm still using my original SB1 along
with a couple of SB3's and 3 Radios.  A Touch is on the way.  I've had
very little serious trouble with any of them.  I'm very picky about
household technology, if it requires too much futzing or my wife won't
use it then it gets canned in short order.  My experience is the that
the SB1 and the SB3's are 100% rock solid.  The Radio's used to crash
every once in a while, but it never caused much inconvenience.  They
just restart and everything is fine.  I've not had any crashes with the
7.5.0 firmware (yet).


I'm running SBS on a highly reliable server machine that is always on
and has a wired connection.
I rarely use MySB.
I never use the alarm functions (though I use sleep every day and it
works fine for me).
All my squeezeboxes either wired or have solid wireless connections to
a good reliable router.

To sum it up: for me the newer devices just work like appliances
should.  I push a button and music comes out.

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