I'm not so interested in having SBS help me discover music outside my
collection, so I only comment on finding things inside my collection.

Searching:  when I look at local library catalogues over the internet
for something more or less specific, I tend to use a "keyword anywhere
search."    This allows multiple keywords connected by implicit boolean
AND, which can match any part of any field in the library's structured

Of course, this is also what we use in search engines such as Google,
which search the whole internet, or when searching amazon.com.  This is
also more or less the behavior of simple search in iTunes.

I would very much like to see SBS implement this behavior, or have a
plugin to SBS do it.

Such searches can always be refined on the fly by adding a keyword, 
but I would also like the output of a search to be browsable.

Browsing:  Browsing is winnowing.  One should be able to successively
refine the output by making choices.  A reasonably successful
implementation of this idea can be found in iTunes
column browsing setup.

I think the main idea should be interactive refining or winnowing: 
output should always be refinable by adding criteria on the fly.

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