Erlang, I love your plugins. I'm not quite clear on what you are
proposing here at the highest level. Do you see this as a whole suite
of plugins?

Or perhaps a from scratch re-implementation of SBS functionality aimed
at being more collaborative?

I have dreamed of a complete re-write, but stayed away as I think its a
lot o work, and the released SBS is at least OK. But that said, I think
there are a number of fundamental design philosophies that I would do
completely differntly, starting with the assumption that the DB is
fully capable of being recreated from the files of music.

I want a real database of meta data on the songs, albums, styles, etc.
Not this crippled "genre" ideas. I want to have a permanent handle to
each and every song, so I can enhance the data with lyrics, mood,
instrumentation, links to other sites with more information, etc.

And of course, these days, I want to have a social recommendation
system, so that people who I trust (or agree with) can lead me to new

erland;566383 Wrote: 
> I'm not going to be the only one interested in this kind of
> functionality.

I am very interested, and I write code, speak RDMBS, HTML, etc.

"How do you find music in your own library ? 
- Which way to you browse/search ? (which browse or search menus)"

I use either the cover art or the group/artist name to navigate. I
nearly always use my laptop to drive the HTML skins (except on my

- Do you find music through statistics based browse menus ? (ratings,
play counts, history)


- Do you find music through smart playlists based on statistics or
random selection or other kind of automatic mixes ?


- Do you use album art when selecting what to play ?

Often or more.

- Do you typically start searching/browsing from an artist, album or
track and want to find something related to that ?

Start from either category (genre) or artist. Only occasionally by
album. Never listen to tracks.

2. How do you usually find new music you like to get but currently
don't have in your library ?
- Heard it on the radio ? 

Radio? There are still radio stations?

I get a fair amount from reviews in paper magazines.

- Are you using the computer, your Squeezebox or some other device when
searching for new music ?

I use my laptop all the time. 10+ hours a day.

- Do you preview the music before puchasing ? Do you preview it on the
real system or cheep laptop speakers or something similar ?

I very rarely preview music.

"3. How would you like to be able to find music in your own library in
the future ?
- What kind of functionality is missing today related to browsing ?
- What kind of functionality is missing today related to searching ?"

I want to say, which albums have a particular artist as a sideman.
Which have too much saxophone so I can avoid them. Which have a classic
piano, bass and drums in the Jazz trio.

And I really, really want "given that I agree with users X, Y, and Z,
what are they buying, listening to, and liking these days?

"5. What kind of tagging/management do you do on new music you add to
your library to make it easier to find stuff later on ?"

The whole point of having a real database is to not rely on tags. Tags
can assist. But there is no way that you can keep the kinds and depth
of information that I want for a real library in the tags.

"6. Do you synchronize the data in SBS with some other application to
make it easier to find interesting music ?"

This is one of the things that I want.

To do it, you have to have a unique identifier for each song/track and
each album. Then you can bind the additional data to the unique id.


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