erland;566383 Wrote: 
> However, I'm pretty sure I'm not going to be the only one interested in
> this kind of functionality.
Oh no, rest assure you're not!
erland;566383 Wrote: 
> 1. 
> How do you find music in your own library ? 
I use my own playlist generator (
to dynamically generate playlists from multiple selection criteria
based on ID3 tags and/or file system properties. A few typical cases
are to find all music by a one or more specific artists, one or more
specific genres, etc. I also generate playlists for individual artists
with a filter to exclude artists with very few songs - this makes it
easier to browse thru artists when I want to select some "background
music" (while working or cooking dinner, etc).

When I browse for music, I typically select one of these "major
artists" or one of the "genre/artist-based" playlists.

Now, I made my "playlister" before I was using SB, and I realize that
many of these features are covered by SB. But I think it still has its
value; it adds a few features that are missing (or that I didn't
discover ;-), and it helps me browse my music collection when played
"offline" (not using SP, e.g. from an USB disc at the office).
erland;566383 Wrote: 
> 2. 
> How do you usually find new music you like to get but currently don't
> have in your library ?
I recently downloaded the Spotify plugin. I have been using Spotify
free for quite some time, but just got premium. I have been reluctant
to get premium since Spotify IMHO lacks a vital feature: the ability to
create dynamic playlists (similar to how I create them using my own
"playlister"). The Spotify Radio might be heading in the right
direction, but the selection criteria is IMO far to limited. I would
love the ability to create playlists based on the name of one or more
artists rather than selecting the artist and manually adding all
individual songs - an operation I would have to repeat whenever each
interesting artist releases a new album. The UI-based operations for
searching, selecting and playing an artist works OK in UI, but is hard
to use from the SB remote; having a choice of dynamically created
playlists to select from would be much easier (+ the list would be much

Now, this may of course be an issue to raise with Spotify rather than
on the SB forum, but you asked for opinions :-)
erland;566383 Wrote: 
> 3. 
> How would you like to be able to find music in your own library in the
> future ?
I think my current approach works quite well, but would like to see the
same functionality in Spotify. If something is missing in SB, it would
be the ability to create dynamic, composite "playlists" from the
selection criteria you already have (or is this perhaps already
possible? Haven't looked for it since I had my own approach when I
first got to SB).
erland;566383 Wrote: 
> 4. 
> How would you like to find new music you like to buy/get in the future
> ?
Browse Spotify for "similar artists", "other people who listened to
this also listened to", "a friend suggested this music", etc. Social
music networking :-)
erland;566383 Wrote: 
> 5.
> What kind of tagging/management do you do on new music you add to your
> library to make it easier to find stuff later on ?
No additional tags. I manually add genres since I want multiple genres
(is ABBA Swedish or Pop or both?). If there is something I miss in MP3
tools in general, it is the support for multiple genres - I am VERY
happy that SB supports it!

I also miss a sane way of managing sort orders; the current way of
tagging artist sort order is inherently flawed. I recently reported a
bug/enhancement request for this:

erland;566383 Wrote: 
> 6.
> Do you synchronize the data in SBS with some other application to make
> it easier to find interesting music ?
I have used MusicIP to add missing metadata, but it has messed up my
tagging a number of times  since it doesn't recognize multiple genres,
and since it adds its own artist sort tag (XSOP - see forum: I am now VERY
careful of using MusicIP -  it does wonders for an initial tagging
operation, but I would be VERY careful about using it after having done
any manual tagging. I would be equally careful with any "auto-tagger".

erland;566383 Wrote: 
> I've probably missed a lot of relevant questions, so feel free to post
> your thoughts about other areas that's involved in discovering old and
> new music even if it's not mentioned in the questions above.
Thanks for a number of REALLY good plug-ins, and for taking this

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