Oh Erland, how exciting is this :)

So, first, let me say that I have been using a Slimp3 or SqueezeBox
devices for a long time and have a large music collection (72000 +
tracks of all kinds of music) and have been trying to find the perfect
system for some time. During this quest, I have seen and played with a
lot of options and there is nothing I like more than SqueezeBox ... but
there is one thing that I have been wanting and been meaning to look
into for some time.

I used for a couple of years J. River MediaCenter (have no worries, I'm
back from the dark side <grin>) and there is a few things that that
community does well, but the very best plug-in they have that would go
along the lines of what you are suggesting is the LastFM Auto-DJ which
uses LastFM to build a dynamic playlist from your own library. This is
a great way to discover, or at least rediscover your own music.

Here's a short description from their own forum post located here -

"Looks up the currently now playing track on lastFm and searches for
similar tracks that are in the music library.
Based on the track list returned, this is cross referenced with the MC
database and then recently played tracks are removed.
The tracks are weighted according to the match given to them by Last.Fm
and track is selected. Tracks by artists who have recently been played
can be weighted negatively, preventing them being selected unless there
are no other tracks.
A track will be added to the Now Playing list that is hopefully similar
to the last track played.
This operates on the last track on the now playing list, hence instead
of looping or stopping, a new track will be added." 

What I like most about this is that based of your listening history and
scrobbles to LastFM, the plug-in queries LastFM's recommendation engine
and selects music from your own library. 

The source code is even posted which might be a good starting point. Of
course as a non-coder, this seems like a monumental task to recreate
this from SqueezeBox but it might not be as difficult if the original
code is clean and efficient ... yeah, right :)

I would love to see this type of functionality available to SqueezeBox

Does that fit in your idea ?

Berg's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=284
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