truehl;584067 Wrote: 
> Hi,
> Jonas K made a very good job an compiled SqueezeSlave for
> ARM-Processors. I've download the Version for ARM. As far as I know
> does this version only support oss. I've no experiences with oss and
> can't get it working an a SheevaPlug with debian. I know how to work
> with alsa but not with oss. Is there someone please to get me on the
> right way? Jonas K told me that he has a version for alsa two, where
> can I get this?
> Please help and you are my hero!:)
> The background is that I try to get SqueezeSlave working on a
> SheevaPlug with Debian Squeeze.
> Thx a lot,
> Greetings,
> Thomas

See my previous posting, there is the alsa makefile for arm attached.
But you can also use the oss version if you install the alsa-oss
package and modprobe snd-pcm-oss before using squeezeslave or start
squeezeslave with "aoss ./squeezeslave"


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