Hi there,

I recently purchased a squeezebox duet and use it in conjunciton with
my ready NAS.  It seemed like the ideal situation and whilst it does
work there are a few grievances, which I thought I would share and see
what peoples thoughts are...

1.The method to create playlists has got to be the worst I have ever
seen.  Using the controller is very hard and the squeezecentre is
absolutly rubbish.  What have other people been doing?  This infact has
put me off using the kit quite alot and would probably stop me from
recommending it.

2.  Using the controller itself is rather good (the buttons are
wellpoistioned etc), and easy to get to grips with, however, scrolling
down a huge list is extreamly tiresome, i have a big library and
getting to a band/song is painful.  Surely theres an easier way? 
Perhaps when doing a "fast spin" the alphabet appears so you can
quickly get to a letter?

3.  The interface is just about adequate (i believe it was alot worse
in the past) however it just doesnt cut it when compared other
interfaces that are out these days.  I would like to know if other
people find it slow and sometimes unresponsive??Just navigating between
menus seems to be effort for the device when infact I was expecting it
to be slick and efficient.  At first I thought it was becuase im using
it wirelssly - but the connection is good, and I experience the same
when wired.  Then i thought perhaps its becuase my library is
big(around 150Gb - which i think is big but may not be) so it was
constantly looking "through it"...but then I thought thats the job of
the scan process, to make browsing through my music quick and

4.  This really is a continuation of 2 and 3 but has anyone else
experienced getting in a loop when trying to scroll through your list
of music, e.g. it gets to the end of all the artists in L and rather
then going to M it starts back at L?  ITs a pain in the arsea and
usually happens when trying to scroll quickly

The interface should be slick, quick and effortloss.  At the moment it
is slow and painful.

I do really like the idea of the device but in practice the things
listed above really annoy me and let the device down, what do other
people think?

I believe if the squeezebox team put abit of effort into polishing the
GUI and the general working of the device it would easily be the best
out there and would be well worth recommending.   Until then I have to
admit I am rather dissapointed.



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