here's the scenario:  Traveling around campus, or town, coming in and
out of Wifi/3g areas (our cable ISP also runs lots of WiFi in the area,
and my Droid is configured to autoconnect to it.)

If I disable WiFi and have my Droid only connecting with 3G, it will
normally just keep working when it's in 3G range.  If I'm in Wifi and
don't drop it it also works.  But if it changes, SqueezePlayer acts
like it's still connected but SqueezeCommander (for instance, but
really my server) doesn't see the player anymore.  I have to manually
turn off and on music playback in SqueezePlayer to get it back. 

Ideally, there'd be a way for SqueezePlayer to do connection monitoring
and reestablish if the network shifts (and if it happens quickly enough
not interrupt music playback, but that depends on caching, network
speed, and how long the phone takes to renegotiate connections).  At
the very least it should reconnect as soon as possible and restart
music playback (probably dependent on player settings).


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