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Question: Why do you continue to use Squeezebox ?
- I'm satisfied with the Squeezebox system, why change something that
  works good ?
- I have already invested too much in Squeezebox devices, would cost
  too much to switch
- I have just purchased a new Squeezebox and won't switch to
  something else anytime soon
- I love the 3rd party plugin/app model and would only switch to
  something else that supports this
- I would consider switching if someone offered something with
  similar functionality
- I have already started to look for something else but haven't found
  anything interesting yet
- I have already started or completed the transition to something

lintweaker;642352 Wrote: 
> I am relatively new to the squeezebox game (couple of months). I am
> happily using two touches with the squeezeboxserver running on my Linux
> server. I do think that Logitech has to improve on QA before releasing
> software, the last 7.5.5 update is a complete mess on Linux.

Logitech botched both the 7.5.4 and 7.5.5 releases. Those responsible
need to look at fixing the QA and Release Planning processes.  However,
given the apparent low priority Logitech is giving to the SqueezeBox
line, I hold little hope that this will get significantly better.

It's hard to recommend a product to others when the company behind the
product has such a shoddy record of software updates, requiring users
to jump through hoops to get things working.  Truly inexcusable
performance from a major company like Logitech.

Ron Olsen
Ron Olsen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=9233
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=88916

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