>I worry about SQLite. Does anyone have experience with such large
>databases with SQLite? In the beta forum I’ve read somewhere that with
>very large databases  SQLite may run unexpectedly slow and possibly
>even slower than MySQL? Thank you for your answers.
I worried about the move to SQLite too.  Not so much scanning time; I had heard 
initial reports that in general browsing may be slower for large libraries.

For my library (~40000 tracks - titchy compared to yours!), 7.6.x is only 
marginally quicker at scanning (about 5 mins), but it's less reliable at the 

But so far, it feels like 7.6.x is a bit faster for browsing, which I am much 
more interested in than scan time.

It may not be specifically the transition from MySQL to SQLite that has been 
the deciding factor in performance gains, but rather a combination of other 
changes in the code.  i.e. refactoring code, optimising the number of queries 
made, better file scanning, less scan phases to tidy up DB after files have 
been scanned.

In my case, I had optimised by own MySQL instance, so it was already faster 
than the SBS built-in MySQL instance default settings.

But it would be interesting to hear how performance scales over DB size - 
whether effect on performance is linear or exponential as the number of tracks 

Please post your findings when you give it a try.
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