I cannot resist to post the following picture.

This is SqueezePlayer on a GoogleTV, yeah ... 
but before one gets too enthusiastic - unfortunately it cannot stream
any songs.

Google TV is intel based, all SmartPhones use ARM processor - and
Google does not provide means to compile the native code of
SqueezePlayer on x86 *sigh*.

Anyway - this screenshot reveals at least another new enhancement
released soon - a preliminary version of a landscape mode :)

|Filename: SP_Google_TV.jpg                                         |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=12246|


Did you know: *'SqueezePlayer' (www.squeezeplayer.com)* will stream all
your music to your Android device. Take your music everywhere!
Remote Control + Streaming to your iPad? *'Squeezebox + iPad =
SqueezePad ' (www.squeezepad.com)*
Want to see a Weather Forecast on your Radio/Touch/Controller ? => why
not try my 'Weather Forecast Applet'
Want to use the Headphones with your Controller ? => why not try my
'Headphone Switcher Applet'
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