staresy;653575 Wrote: 
> OK my cunning plan didn't work as the ISP seems to allocate completley
> random public ip addresses.
> So, after a bit of reading it seems that SSH might be the way to go but
> I haven't got a clue how to set this up or, indeed, if it is possible
> with my set up. Can anyone offer any advise here?
> My setup is:
> - remote SB3, no PC, just connected to a wireless router and the
> internet
> - dynamic public IP address on this router
> - at home, Windows Home Server running SC, connected to router and
> internet
> - again, dydnamic IP at this end
> If this isn't poossble, what are the worst consequences of leaving the
> two ports for remote access unprotected?
> Thanks for your help.
> DrS

You would at least want to enable the user/password feature. As I typed
earlier, you would do better to enable remote access to your WHS and
install a notifier on each end. That way, you would always be able to
access the settings of the webUI to get to the list of allowed
addresses. This way, you would also be able to completely disable
remote access by remotely using the web browser on your WHS machine to
change the router settings.

Note that the "default" port for RDP is 3389. When you make your router
rule, you can 'redirect' that:

For example direct port 5557 <any "wild" number will do> to port 3389
on your WHS. This will keep people who snoop your address on port 3389
from getting a "logon" from RDP. Then on the remote machine, you direct
RDP to connect to

Your router follows the rule and sends the traffic to your WHS and
you're in.

SSH <google putty for the windows version> would be more secure but you
will still have to know the addresses...


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