garym;654171 Wrote: 
> hmmm, odd that the touch would have a fixed IP without you having given
> it one. It wouldn't have been automatic.  But in any case, a quick
> search of the forum led me to lots of posts that complain about issues
> with using the Orange Livebox. And the IP address is not likely your
> main issue in any case.  It may very well be that you're suffering from
> the European server issue that several people are talking about
> and the problem is not on your end at all.

That is what I was thinking Gary.

The most reliable way of getting a consistent experience on the Touch
at present is by using my local SBS, but that means having the computer
awake, and also 99.95% of my Favourites are stored on MySB (about 280).

I just wish Logitech would acknowledge that there appears to be a major
problem; whether it's with their servers, or the interaction of the
latest firmware with their servers (as castalla suggested) or a
combination of both, it would be good to know that the problem is being
looked into.

Otherwise, as I mentioned before, I will seriously consider buying my
next network music device from another company.


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