firedog;675148 Wrote: 
> Supposedly true, but not really. Vortexbox is "easy" if it installs
> without problem on your machine (often doesn't); but is anything but
> easy if you have somewhat non standard hardware or if you want to
> introduce some minor option it isn't setup for.(e.g. something basic
> like "install 2nd hard drive") Just go to the forum and
> check the solutions to problems that arise for users (And there are
> many). For virtually every one of them, the solution involves logging
> on with a command line program like Putty and writing/editing code.
> Example:
> So even "user friendly' Vortexbox is way to geeky for most people. I
> only know one person besides me that would go anywhere near it, and
> he's definitely a computer geek. 

VortexBox lives two lives. One as the Geekey command line OS for
hackers and other as the totally plug and play VortexBox Appliance. The
point of the Appliance is like Linux powered routers you never need to
know or care about Linux. You just use the web GUI to configure and use

And unlike Windows you never need to deal with viruses, system slow
downs etc. And to answer your question about adding drives you are
correct the VortexBox GUI does not allow you to add a drive. This may
not seem like a good idea until you read the Windows Home Server forum
where a large number of the posts are about problems with adding and
removing drives, partitions, and loosing data etc.

With a VortexBox appliance you never worry about where your music is.
It's always on the primary drive.

But if you want to add a drive you can get geekey go to the command
line and do it.

VortexBox is the ultimate because it's as simple or as complex as you
want to make it.

Don't get me wrong Windows and WHS for that matter work great for a lot
of people. But for simplicity of auto ripping music, storing it, and
playing back on a network player nothing beats a purpose built
appliance that "just works".


rip, tag, get cover artÂ… All you do is insert the CD!

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