nicolas75;693966 Wrote: 
> Hi, it seems that last version of MediaMonkey  ( is not
> compatible with MonkeySqueeze 2 ?
> Is that correct or did I make a mistake somewhere ?
> I have "Error happened during script execution : Objet
> requis:'SongValue'"

MonkeySqueeze v2 will work with all versions of MediaMonkey 4. If that
error occurs then there is no track in the "Now Playing" window. When
the "Playlist" window is cleared and MediaMonkey is shutdown the "Now
Playing" window clears when MM is restarted. Start playing a track so
it loads into the "Now Playing" window then press stop. MonkeySqueeze
can then be enabled at anytime.  This bug was fixed in MS v3.

nicolas75;693966 Wrote: 
> I wanted to revert to 2.0 until the sync list problem of 3.0 is fixed.
> Sometime (after rescan or new files accessed in MediaMonkey), it seems
> that MonkeySqueeze keep an obsolete list of tracks, and the file sent
> to Squeezebox Touch is not the one which is played by MediaMonkey.
> When this occurs, the communication between MediaMonkey and Squeezebox
> seems broken after a while.
> It doesn't happen a lot with MonkeySqueeze 3.0, but this problem didn't
> occur with version 2

Haven't seen that issue. MediaMonkey v2 and v3 operate differently when
sending playlist info. MS2 sends the address of each music track one
track at a time, MS3 sends the addresses of the full playlist. While
MS3 sends the MediaMonkey Playlist track addresses to Squeezebox, there
is no feedback from Squeezebox to MonkeySqueeze. If any changes are made
to the playlist in Squeezebox then the two playlists will be out of
sync. Disable/re-enable MonkeySqueeze will put the playlists back in
sync again. 

Time to ask some questions:

1. When you rescan the Music Library in MediaMonkey, do you do the same
in Squeezebox?
2. Does this only occur on large playlists (thousands of songs)?
3. After adding new tracks to the library and rescanning do you clear
the "Playlist" window and reload the playlist or do you add the new
tracks to the existing playlist in the "Playlist" window? If doing the
2nd option then this may be causing the problem; if so, then clear the
playlist and reload to see what happens.
4. Is LMS installed on a PC or on a NAS device?
5. Is the music library on a PC or a NAS device?



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