To piggy back onto Mr. Sinatra's suggestions, 

I'd go as far as taking the mp3 only folder (assuming the problem is
with the mp3's) and remove all but one file... Put the other files
somewhere outside the LMS watched folders.

You could then go one by one with each file and probably narrow down to
a specific file.  I would do it for all the files, too.  You could have
more than one file giving you problems.  

Last, you should clarify a bit exactly how you know files are being
listed as compilations.  Not being familiar with the Danish version of
the software, are compilations grouped under "Various Artists" or is it
actually a Danish translation of Various Artists?

In other words, how is your Album Artist tag different from the
compilation heading?  

I only ask because I know that as far as the English versions of the
software go, if we have AA = Various Artists while compilations are set
as Various Artists, albums with that AA won't show up (one of the
earlier mentioned bugs).  We either have to 1) explicitly add a
compilation tag 2) rename the compilation identifier or 3) rename our
AA to work around that bug.

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