mikael_b wrote: 
> But if every individual player can play the stream, as cathcam stated,
> the least capable of the players can play the stream and therefore
> syncing them should not be a problem?
> Just trying to understand.

You're not the only one trying to reconcile what is happening.  

In the first post cathcam said > I get one of a couple of errors depending on 
how I try to stream the BBC
> London station. using my Squeezebox radio, I select Internet Radio; then
> world; find a city; then europe; then United Kingdom; then London; All
> stations; finally BBC Radio London, which resolves to this link
> http://opml.radiotime.com/Tune.ashx?id=s24849 which returns an m3u file
> containing this link
> http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio/listen/live/bbclondon.asx
This implies cathcam was just using Radiotime/Tunein to play BBC
stations - no plugins or applets.

With this radiotime URL - only WMA stream can be returned for local
radio. If you are using a Tunein URL for National station (e.g. Radio 1)
then you will get an AAC and a WMA stream.  WMA cannot be played on a
software Squeezeplay and there is no WMA transcoding on ReadyNAS .  

So either cathcam missed out testing on the software Squeezeplay, or
used a Windows based LMS, or used a different URL for a local station,
or tested using a national station or got WMA transcoding working on her

with cathcam's recent post - things become a bit clearer >  Maybe I was using 
the iPlayer app and somehow managed to change the
> favorite, or possibly BBC London stopped for a brief time transmitting
> AAC, looking at the options for the iPlayer app it has a selection of
> formats shown as AAC > FlashAAC > FlashMP3 > WMA and does selection
> using preferred from left to right.
> .
> .
> I've got the iPlayer app installed on the ReadyNas. Using that I can
> navigate Internet Radio; iPlayer; Listen Live; BBC Local Radio; BBC
> London and it plays on the Radio, checking it reports:
> File Format: AAC
> Bitrate: 32kbps CBR
> URL: rtmp://cp80234.live.edgefcs.net:1935?app=bGl2ZT9fZmNzX3Zo
> b3N0PWNwODAyMz(etc..

When using the BBC iplayer plugin - more formats choice become available
for local radio. Local radio is also sent using Flash/AAC (not standard
http/AAC) and this requires the BBC iPlayer plugin to extract the aac
audio from the flash stream.  Software Squeezeplay can play AAC when
played through the iPlayer plugin and also the stream can be synced.

To compare the different in what is offered to a player - you can
download the Tunein URL for BBC Radio London
http://opml.radiotime.com/Tune.ashx?id=s24849 and compare agains the
media selectort used by the iPlayer plugin

The iPlayer plugin URL returns a XML which shows two stream an Flash/AAC
with rtmp:// URL and a http: WMA URL (but with incorrect speed for non
UK users actrual is 48 not 128).

So cathcam can play BBC Radio London on all her players (incl softsware
Squeezeplay) synced if BBC Player plugin is used to select the station
and the iPlayer plugin setting have "AAC > Flash/AAC" selected and
transcoding is enabled.  If WMA is part of the Settings then it is
possible that plugin will try a WMA stream if an AAC stream fails to
play and then the message "unable to play filetype" will appear.

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