hey pal, you need to settle down.  people are free to make comments.

your POV is valid but so is the opposite POV.  

the whole point i was trying to make to you which was done in good
humor, is that logitech is not above criticism.  you seem to act like
b/c they are a company, or because they make money, they are.  thats
silly imo.

furthermore, i cited an example of a product they lost hundreds of
millions of dollars over, and as was said, got their CEO fired.  that
just happened recently.  so if that happened recently, it puts other
things they are doing in a questionable light, does it not?  it
certainly would seem to at the very least harm their credibility.

now if you want to point out that people posting here also have
credibility issues, i think thats totally fair.  but that doesn't mean
we can't say what we think, or that logitech is above criticism.

i'm sure people defended IBM when it put out WARP, ...does IBM still
being around today make those criticisms invalid?

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