pippin wrote: 
> So you can play dynamic playlists on your UPnP device with JRMC or
> MediaMonkey and use your hierarchical playlists that way?
> Then what let's you stick with the Squeezebox?
> Probably the fact that you can't use it that way on the device or using
> a remote control but that you have to walk to your PC and get the
> functionality?
> Does it work well?

No, the only thing you have to do at the PC is start the UPnP server
portion of the software.  At the UPnP device, you are presented
hierarchical menus that you navigate with the device's remote and if you
select a  dynamic playlist it retrieves the tracks as expected.

I chose the Squeezebox because it is a dedicated audio device with a
nice built-in display and can handle volume leveling without
(unnecessary) conversion.  The UPnP devices also are generally have a
poor interface because they are purposely built to listen to music.

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