jmiller284 wrote: 
> Question ...  Why is it that when I stream music using SqueezePad, that
> the device that I am streaming from (either Squeezebox Radio or
> Squeezebox Duet) does not turn on (display stays off) if the unit is in
> Sleep mode or off whereas with the Logitech Controller app for iPad it
> would always turn on (to show it's doing something?). Note that with the
> SqueezePad I do hear audio..  Just the screen on my device doesn't turn
> on..  Sort of annoying.  I am using iOS 6.0 on iPad 2.

Hi jmiller, 
I'm a bit confused about the sentence "that the device I am streaming
*from* does not turn on". 

I just tested with my own Radio. It showed the screensaver clock and
when I selected a song in SqueezePad for the Radio it turned on and
showed the cover.
Also from a technical point of view, there is no explanation why
SqueezePad and the Logitech Controller would behave differently in this
regard. Both actually only send commands like "user hit a menu item" or
"user hit the play key" to the server, which forwards the message to the
Radio, which decides on it's own what to do (regarding the display).

Also the Duet doesn't have a display, what device are you expecting to
turn on, when you play music via the Duet?

Could you please describe in more detail what you are doing (what was
visible on the display of the Radio, what menu item did you select in
SqueezePad, what was happening then), so maybe I get a better
understanding what is wrong either in your setup or expectations.

Kind Regards

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