ModelCitizen wrote: 
> Both of my Controllers are bricks. Won't charge. I've changed the
> batteries but they just run out and never recharge. The bases are OK and
> so are the devices. The connections between them make. It's baffling.
That's a shame. When I drop mine into its dock the screen brightens and
it makes a small beep to indicate it has made a connection and is
charging.  I presume yours don't?

Sounds like some wiring has come adrift internally that links the
charging connections on the base with the battery.  Odd that it should
happen on both units, not heard of that before.

I have heard of Controllers where the base charging contacts do not
properly contact those on the Controller itself, as I am sure you have
too as you say the connections are OK.  I am sure you will have pursued
the "bit of paper stuffed down the back" fix or the "get them to send
you a new base" fix.

Mine has been a pretty robust unit given all the abuse heaped on it by
the family.  Food covered hands have been the biggest hazard, along with
red wine (my fault), blu-tack (my youngest thought it would be better
wall mounted) and guinea pig wee (don't ask).  

I bought a spare battery but have not needed it yet and,  luckily,
somebody told me early on to set the screen saver to "off" as the screen
darkens over time if used to display pretty patterns, the news, a clock
or whatever.

Just before they announced SB was to be discontinued Superfi were
selling Controllers off at £60.  A bargain compared to the RRP so I
bought one as a backup. If, as seems likely, we all end up with
smartphones it will probably just gather dust. Probably not one of my
wisest purchases!

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