bluegaspode wrote: 
> Could you share a link to the back button discussion?
There are a lot, but here's the most recent.

> From a usability standpoint I'd say what happens when you press a button
> must be predictable for the user without studying Android user guides.
Which is why it's important that apps adhere to the established
guidelines, like using the back button properly and letting people back
out of apps without complications.
> Other Apps are not that easy. I include OrangeSqueeze here. There is
> also a second use case: when you are deep in the menus one presses the
> back button multiple times very fast to get to the top (because for new
> users that's the more common way than to know that one can tap on the
> top left button) so one can still close the App erroneous. 
Well, there's the icon in the top-left if you just want to back out to
the top. Or the navbar. Some apps activate the "up-one-level" affordance
in the home icon as well (OS doesn't, by design, because we have other
ways to go up a level using the navbar).

> So personally I'd vote for a 'do you really want to quit button' indeed.
Fair enough, but I really feel like it's an anachronism that gets in the
way for most apps. Games and other exceptions, are, well, the exception.

> By the way: even Google does it in its navigation App because it's not
> obvious if the back button leaves the App or gets you back to search
> there, so you always have an excuse if needed :-) 

Ugh. :-)

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