pippin wrote: 
> Why would that be the alternative? I like the back button, I just hate
> that it takes me out of Apps all the times, there is zero reason for
> that since there _is_ already a button for that. It could still be a
> back button within the App.

If apps never worked together then you would have a 100% valid point,
but the truth is sometimes I have four apps in the stack and the back
button takes you back to the previous app, seamlessly. This is the power
of a very flexible, but yes, ultimately schizophrenic design.

> Yes, I know, activities... bad excuse, same thing as why Android Apps
> never rotate well, don't have nice transitions and why nobody seems to
> want to write real tablet Apps.
This is changing in a big way -- the platform has really stabilized a
lot (1 1/2 years with the same core SDK) and the tools and critical mass
are there to start writing beautiful tablet apps.

> Just for the life of me I will not understand why such a capable OS and
> such capable hardware has to have such a horrid overall experience, I'm
> deeply frustrated with it almost every time I try to use my Nexus but
> OrangeSqueeze is really standing out, it's a really good App, one of the
> few I've found so far now if there just was a real tablet version....
> Don't want to do one? There _has_ to be a market, doesn't it? I mean,
> just everybody seems to have one of these small, cheap, Android tablets
> now.

It comes down to time -- there are bikes to ride, books to read, games
to play. Android apps will scale up to tablet better than an iOS app, so
there is less incentive. I don't spend all day browsing in Orange
Squeeze, I use it about 15 times a day, for about 20 seconds each time.
That said, I want to explore more now that 1.3 is stabilizing.

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