erland wrote: 
> For those of you who are living together with a spouse or kids, I'd like
> to understand a bit better how you would like to use local music
> libraries in the future. Ignore what's supported in LMS and Squeezebox
> today and instead think about how you would like it to work in the
> future. 
> Do you have a need to let each family member browse their library
> individually ?

No.  Wife and three kids.  Nobody minds that all our music is in one

> If so, where are the music files stored ? On a central computer/NAS, on
> a computer/NAS per family member or on the portable device of each
> family member ?
All on a single library on a single NAS.  Kids have their own portable
devices on which they save their favourite tracks for portability and
private listening.

> If you have individual libraries, do you also have a need for shared
> libraries which is common for multiple family members ? See previous answer.

> Do you have a need to keep track of playlists for each family member 
> ?Playlists rarely used in this house. Nobody has the time to make them!

> Do you have a need to keep track of favorites for each family member ?Nope.

> Do you have a need to keep track of ratings and playback statistics for
> each family member ?Nope.

> Does each family member have individual players which only one of the
> family members mostly use ?Yes. My wife and I have android phones with memory 
> cards and
SqueezePlayer/OrangeSqueeze, the two boys have iPod Classics, my
daughter has an iPod Touch 3rd Gen with iPeng (including the player
function) and a BB with a memory card on which she saves a few MP3s.

> If so, should all players be controllable by everyone or do you want
> access to certain players to be restricted ? In that case why ?Everything 
> controlled by everybody.

> Does each family member have their individual remote control/smartphone
> to control the players or do you also have remote controls which you
> share between different family members ?Remote apps on the two android phones 
> and the iPod Touch.  Two Logitech
controllers by each of the two "Receiver" players that are used by

> If you have a remote control which you share between multiple family
> members, is it a IR-remote, smartphone, tablet or computer ?See previous 
> answer.

> How would your dream system work to work as good as possible for usage
> of local music on Squeezeboxes and portable devices in your family ?No real 
> need for anything different.  

Off topic for you, but the most useful thing for us would be a
smartphone app which allowed the user to sync/cache music files and
playlists from the LMS server to storage on the phone over wi-fi (for
off-line use). At the moment I use OrangeSqueeze/SqueezePlayer to play
music on my phone when at home, but have to download files manually from
the LMS server to a 32GB card on the phone and use a different app to
play music while away from my home network.

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