norderney wrote: 
> jfalk I was interested to read your experience with Sonos. I'm currently
> still using my Transporter and probably will continue using it until it
> fails. But you never know when that might happen.
> I have 55,000 tracks in my music database and that grows month by month
> due to my addiction to buying CDs!!!
> Does Sonos still have a restriction on the maximum size of the music
> database? I think it used to be 60,000 tracks?
> Does it allow you to search on track artist, album artist and composer?
> One Of the Plugins I would really miss would be TrackStat.
> I have also been looking at NAIM and Cyrus streamers but they are quite
> expensive - although the Cyrus Stream X2 is at the same price as I paid
> for my Transporter.

yes, Sonos has 65,000 limit (and could be even lower depending on the
number/length of tags).  There are also some issues with album art over
a certain size. I bought a SONOS just to see what I thought (and as a
backup for easily streaming internet radio, siriusXM, etc. should disappear.  Sonos is perfectly fine. But after using
Squeezeboxes and LMS all these years, it is amazing how "basic" it is in
terms of options regarding managing your music library. I've not used it
much with my music library (mine is too big > 80k). I just added a small
library to play with it.  Sonos dealing with music library leaves a lot
to be desired if used to LMS.  The discussion on this forum about ways
to search for music (album artist vs artist vs track artist, tags with
multiple fields, etc. etc.) would be quite funny at SONOS forums, as the
SONOS tag handling is very, very basic. Probably seems fine if one was
never used to anything else.  And there's no way to backup or save
playlists. They reside on the SONOS players themselves and if one ever
does a factory reset, they are lost with no option for "downloading" the

Another odd thing to me, is that I use my BOOM and Radios as bedside
radios. Nothing in the SONOS line is equivalent. Every player requires
the use of a separate controller (e.g., smart phone with app). There is
nothing with physical controls or a screen that reports info. When I
wake at 5:00am and want to turn on internet radio via my bedside BOOM to
play via headphones (to not wake my wife), I simply push a button and
get to the station I want. With a SONOS, I'd have to have my smart phone
by the bed, pick it up, turn it on (and the light would likely bother my
wife), then control things via the smart phone. 

p.s. Don't take these remarks as knocking SONOS. Seems fine for doing
what it does. And it appears that many of the forum regulars come from
the point of view that most users now and in the future only care about
streaming music from services rather than their own libraries.  (They're
probably right of course; but for old school guys like me, I want my OWN
music library).

>From reading the forums there a couple of months, it seems that it is
similar to Squeezeboxes. If they work in one's local network, it just
works. If it doesn't, there are all sorts of issues (routers, switches,
network storms created by mulitple wired SONOS devices (an odd problem
caused by the interaction of SonosNet with LAN that doesn't affect
squeezeboxes). And users have the same sort of complaints about SPOTIFY
options in SONOS not being as good as the native, web spotify app,
certain services being down too much (spotify), lack of access to other
services due to lack of cooperation with SONOS, etc.  That is, the same
sort of things we squeezebox users complain about.

*Location 1:* VortexBox 4TB (2.3) > LMS 7.8 > Transporter, Touch, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (all ethernet except Radio)
*Location 2:* VBA 3TB (2.3) > LMS 7.8 > Touch > Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
Radio w/Battery (all ethernet except Radio)
*Office:* Win7(64) > LMS 7.8 > Squeezelite
*Spares:* VBA 4TB, SB3, Touch (3), Radio (3), CONTROLLER
*Controllers:* iPhone4S & iPad2 (iPeng7 & Squeezepad), CONTROLLER, or
SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win7(64) laptop
Ripping (FLAC) - dbpoweramp, Tagging - mp3tag, Streaming - Spotify
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