lynniemagoo wrote: 
> Ralphy,
> Excellent work.  I now have a new Corei5 NUC with Intel HD Audio over
> HDMI running with both squeezeplayer and squeezelite. 
> What I am seeing is that for some flac files, I am having some dropouts
> in the FLAC playback at various locations - <=100ms.  In the past, I
> have overcome this by extracting to WAV and reencoding with Flac 1.2.1. 
> These files also have 1000x1000 jacket pics inside them as tags.  When I
> first noticed this issue, Foobar reported a problem converting my FLAC
> file to WAV.  In the past, this has been an indicator of a problem. 
> However, today, I have no issues converting with Foobar to WAV. 
> So, several questions.  
> 1) Is there anyone who has experienced such issues?
> 2) Is there a FLAC 1.3.X version of the dll for the SqueezePlayer
> install that anyone could share? (I don't compilation environment to
> build the dll).
> 3) Is there a FLAC 1.3.X version of SqueezeLite or does anyone know if
> it is on the roadmap?
> Technical Details and more information before anyone asks:
> 1. Logitech Media Server 7.7.3 installed on ReadyNAS NV1100 with
> expanded memory.  Gigabit network - All music is on a USB 1.0 hard drive
> attached to the rear.  Have moved to different share and also to a
> dedicated PC running Media Server with no differing results.
> 2. Intel NUC CoreI5 player Win7 x64 Pro, Gigabit network, 8MB RAM is
> running SqueezeLite from post #1 of this thread as a service.  I am also
> able to reproduce this problem running the SqueezePlay from the build in
> Post #1 of this thread.
> 3. I don't currently have logs from any of the runs.  I have eliminated
> questions about buffering or jitter by using iPad and IPeng to back up
> the playback say, 20 seconds and listen to the same section of music
> over and over.  The jitters always occur in the same places.  
> 4. Jacket pictures are embedded in the files and are 1000x1000 jpg or
> png images.  Same results occur if jacket pictures are removed.  
> 5. I have tried converting to WAV and reencoding music with Flac 1.2.1
> and 1.3.0 with same results.  Interestingly enough, when flipped from
> 1.3.0 to 1.2.1, 1 song was corrected but a hiccup was noted in another
> file (maybe it was there with 1.3.0 as well but did not check).
> I don't want to abandon this platform as I have tons of Lo Res CDs (over
> 2000) that are indexed and managed through the server and played back on
> various Duet players throughout the household (I have 5 duet receivers
> and 2 controllers + iPad).
> I am open to recommendations as to how others manage hi-resolution
> content (up to 192KB) as I would like to have both Low and High Res
> content alongside one another without having to switch libraries,
> etc...
> Looking forward to a reply here.
> Many thanks.
> Regards,
> Lynnie

Have you tried setting/changing the USEPALATENCY environment variable as
described in post #1?

Also ensure you're running r417.


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