ctbarker32 wrote: 
> Hi,
> I thought I would pose a question to the community to generate some
> discussion about the future of the Squeezebox product we love.
> I have personally been using the Squeezebox products and server for
> about 10 years and it's been a rewarding (sometimes frustrating) ride. I
> still have my original SB3's and all the squeezeboxs (sans the
> Transporter) through to the Touch. I am now having great fun
> experimenting with Raspberry Pi based clients courtesy of Picoreplayer
> and Squeezeplug.  My personal LMS server holds over 6,000 albums across
> several terabytes of storage.
> So, my question for 2015 - Is the Universe of LMS and Squeezebox
> expanding, contracting, or staying about the same?
> On the expanding side, I am very encouraged by the development of
> products like Squeezelite that empowers Picoreplayer and Squeezeplug to
> harness the power of the incredibly malleable Raspberry Pi platform. I
> think this is an incredible breakthrough and breathes new life into the
> platform. I am also encouraged at the introduction of services such as
> Tidal and ability for Squeezebox to access via the ickstream plugin. I
> am also happy that we can experiment with DSD files using the plugin
> introduced for LMS.
> On the contracting side, while USB DAC PC Audio is all the rage it is
> almost always implemented using some form of host personal computer
> hooked up to a DAC. I never see anyone utilizing Squeezebox based
> clients using LMS to accomplish the same thing in a more distributed
> network environment. Can we as a community do more to publicize the LMS
> platform? 
> I am also discouraged that pretty much all of the proprietary music
> server systems seem to use DLNA type technology that we all know doesn't
> hold a candle to the performance and features of LMS. This, despite many
> of these systems being no more than customized Linux computers. Is there
> any reason other manufacturers cannot implement LMS/Squeezebox support
> into their own products the way open source applications already do?
> Every time I see a new proprietary music server solution (usually at a
> high cost) I feel it is always reinventing the wheel and solving
> problems that have already been solved by LMS?
> I continue to marvel at the amazing system that Sean Adams and his team
> created with great foresight that has allowed the Squeezebox ecosystem
> to continue to live on despite some pretty severe setbacks.
> I believe that the future remains bright and hope that over time the
> community will coalesce around solutions that bring great innovation to
> this platform.
> -CB

IMHO - the future is bright!  Look for the ickstream plugin, or check
out the amazing developments in squeeze2upnp, where you can turn upnp
renderer devices into squeezebox players (including Sonos!)

Touch - Muse M50 EX TPA3123 T-Amp Mini - Acoustics Q10 speakers
Logitech Radio
Logitech UE Smart Radio
Raspberry Pi + Squeezeplug LMS + Squeezelite - Logitech Mini Boombox
speaker (mothballed)
Cubieboard + Debian 7 + LMS 7.8.1 + Squeezelite - Soundwave SW100
bluetooth speaker
O2 Joggler + SqpOS + Aune X2 T-amp + Mordaunt Short ms-3.40 speakers 
IBOX + Debian 7 + LMS 7.8.1 + Squeezelite - Logitech Mini Boombox
speaker - Soundwave SW100 bluetooth speaker
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