In anticipation of the Squeezebox support coming soon, I popped for a
lifetime subscription to Roon after having tested it for a week or so.  
I have to say that I'm extremely impressed.   If what you want is the
ability to get more engaged with your music (and less so with the
technology), then Roon is very compelling.  I love the Roon UI and
functionality and rich metadata it provides.   I always thought I was
quite meticulous at tagging, but a Roon scan (watched folders) quickly
showed about 8% of my 2500+ albums were unidentified.  In looking into
it, I found tagging errors (mine) in quite a few cases that kept Roon
from identifying the album.  A quick fix and Roon had no problem
identifying it.

Of course, it's not about to replace LMS for me (but does run quite
nicely in parallel for now).  Two things it doesn't have (yet) that I'm
not about to give up anytime soon:  internet radio streaming and iPeng!!
It does not have an iphone app (big mistake) and their iPad app -
while excellent by all accounts - requires a newer iPad and will not run
on my iPad 2.

But, damn, the Roon rich UI and metadata really does enhance just
sitting down to listen to music.  And I can't wait to see how well it
handles Squeezeboxes as end points.   It is incredibly promising.

Mike (1 SB3, 1 Duet, 1 Boom, 2 Touch, 1 Radio & heavy use of iPeng on
various iThings)
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