Julf wrote: 
> The upside is that HDtracks provides us with a big double-blind test. Do
> we hear people saying "oh yes, tracks 5 and 6 on that album don't sound
> a bit less hi-res than the others"? No. It is just people who look at
> spectrograms who notice any difference. Do we hear a lot of "Oh, the
> hi-res version sounds so much better" until it turns out the "hi-res" is
> only upsampled (or even despite it). Yep, we do. Conclusions left to the
> reader... :)

I would really like to discount 24/96+ as pointless, indistinguishable
from 16/44.1, except for one concern: the availability of "hi res"
versions - however delivered, MQA or not - from better masters than the
CD version, and with no way to get a 16/44.1 version of that master.
But, as we've discussed elsewhere, without curation, there's no way to
know what is what. Arse!

The DR loudness database/site could have been a useful (similar) effort,
but as most of its content is not detailed enough (e.g. only
artist/title, no other details), it's not much use in identifying
worthwhile masters.

I would love to see - and contribute to - a wiki/database of available
albums/tracks (with source info), which noted DR, and whether the
mastering was noticeably better than CD. that could also include
pointers to those tracks on the various streaming services. e.g "Deezer
track 924493", etc.

apols got getting a bit OT...

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