eusebius wrote: 
> hello,
> french nerwbie in SqueezeBox environment, i have just installed Logitech
> Media Server 7.9  and SqueezePlay (last version 7.8.0r685).
> i would like to test wasapi playback : so, i have replaced the portaudio
> dll by the SqueezeLite one (first 1.8.0-566, then 677)   and created the
> environment variables :
> - USEPADEVICE =  Haut-parleurs (Périphérique High Definition Audio)
> but they seem to be ignored  (if i replace these variable values by
> anything, quit and restart SquezePlay, it continue to play, i think with
> the default device and API).
> how to check which device and API are really used by SqueezePlay (log
> file) ?
> Am i missing something ?
> thanks in advance for your response
> =======
> i apologize : i didn't see the log file path in the precedent message;
> the environnement variables are really ignored :
> stdout-SqueezePlay.txt
> 1455451167.108 INFO   audio.output - get_padevice_id:548 Using device 3.
> Haut-parleurs (Périphérique Hig (MME)
> 1455451167.108 INFO   audio.output - decode_portaudio_init:678 Using
> latency 0.180000
> 1455451167.122 INFO   audio.output - get_padevice_maxrate:626 Setting
> maximum samplerate to 384000
> output devices list with SqueezeLite-win.exe -l 
> Output devices:
> 2 - Mappeur de sons Microsoft - Output [MME]
> 3 - Haut-parleurs (PÚriphÚrique Hig [MME]
> 4 - Audio numÚrique (SPDIF) (PÚriph [MME]
> 7 - PÚriphÚrique audio principal [Windows DirectSound]
> 8 - Haut-parleurs (PÚriphÚrique High Definition Audio) [Windows
> DirectSound]
> 9 - Audio numÚrique (SPDIF) (PÚriphÚrique High Definition Audio)
> [Windows Dire
> ctSound]
> 10 - Haut-parleurs (P├®riph├®rique High Definition Audio)
> [Windows WASAPI]
> 11 - Audio num├®rique (SPDIF) (P├®riph├®rique High
> Definition Audio) [Windows
> 13 - Speakers (Haut-parleur HD Audio) [Windows WDM-KS]
> 15 - SPDIF Out (Sortie HD Audio SPDIF) [Windows WDM-KS]
> SqueezePlay should not choice the device 3 but 10 with the environment
> variables ?
> are accented characters correctly handled by squeezeplay ? 
> i tried with USEPADEVICE =  Haut-parleurs (P├®riph├®rique
> High Definition Audio) => also ignored

Squeezeplay will most likely hang when it tries to initialize a wasapi
device, YMMV.
It might be a typo in your message, but the string comparison is case
sensitive so you need to use *W*indows WASAPI
I've not had a report before of accented characters not working, but
I've never tested it either.


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