So I had a dream the other day that I might setup a Pi and such running
Squeezeplay, then I saw the "official" source is full of out of date
I figured I could get started with updating on Windows and then fixing
the make files for linux and then get it compiling on ARM etc.

It turns out this was all much harder than my dream led me to believe!

I actually got 3/4 done and got stuck with Squeezeplay crashing
immediately if not running as a console app or in debug (read from
uninitialized memory?)
I thought I pinned the problem down to SDL 1.2.15 redirecting
stdout/stderr etc.

I worked around the crash problem by updating to latest SDL 1.2.15 in
their Mercurial SCM.

Then I found out about this thread in a complete facepalm moment. You
would think I would have Google'd for if someone would be updating
something like this.

Being 3/4 done I figured I may as well finish off what I started!

Now my Squeezeplay for Windows runs and works except for an issue with
mp3 files clipping if at 100% volume.
This actually happens for me on the latest release from ralphy during
animations, but happens on my build a lot more.

I had a crack at updating LUA and its addons at one stage but quickly
gave up after noting the API change.
I also gave SDL2 a crack but that was even worse regarding the changes
to video rendering/surfaces in particular.
Both were abandoned and changes reverted.

So 2 things:
1)Anyone have any clues of where the clipping/distortion for mp3 files
comes from? Has anyone else seen this?

2)If anyone cares here is my effort so far:
src zip/7z have "functional" debug/release configs for Visual Studio
2015. Not sure why but randomly you might need to click build a second
time as modules like md5 and sha1 like to not be available in time
make files are not updated and likely have all kinds of problems.
cmake created libjpeg-turbo with full paths, there is a
aRunme_for_vs_files.cmd that may assist you to fix the paths.

Lib updates:
expat-2.0.1 -> expat-2.2.0
flac-1.2.1 -> flac-1.3.1 + libogg-1.3.2
freefont-20090104 -> freefont-20120503
freetype-2.1.10 -> freetype-2.6.1
jpeg-6b -> libjpeg-turbo-1.5.1
libpng-1.2.32 -> libpng-1.5.27
portaudio v19_1360 -> portaudio v19_1968
SDL_gfx-2.0.15 -> SDL_gfx-2.0.25
SDL_image-1.2.5 -> SDL_image-1.2.12
SDL_ttf-2.0.8 -> SDL_ttf-2.0.11
SDL-1.2.13 -> SDL-1.2.15
kissfft-1.2.5 -> kissfft-1.3.0
zlib-1.2.3 -> zlib-1.2.8

Works on my PC but is nowhere near the the quality release of ralphy!

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