I uploaded two artwork dbs. Both have a similar record count (~9k), but
the first (744MB) was after a full scan without deleting the
cache+artwork dbs before, the second (29MB) after a full scan with
deleting the dbs before.

But is the cleanup/wipe DB stage any faster now, with the smaller file?

I had the db memory set to high previously, since the recommendation was
to set it to max with lib sizes > 50k and I have 20k and I also use the
server PC (4GB RAM) for other tasks. But now I changed to max and
rescanned, but the time needed was similar as before (still with the big

I'd still go with the max parameter. With 20k tracks it won't use gigabytes of memory. I'm even using it on my poor little ReadyNAS Duo V2 with IIRC 512MB RAM :-). The more aggressive caching isn't limited to the scanner, but to the server as well.


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