
  [17-01-24 16:50:21.7563] Slim::Schema::forceCommit (2149) Warning: Trying to 
commit transactions before DB is initialized!
  [17-01-24 16:50:23.5680] Slim::Utils::Strings::loadStrings (126) Retrieving 
string data from string cache: C:\ProgramData\Squeezebox\Cache\strings.8664.bin
  [17-01-24 16:50:23.5788] Slim::Utils::Strings::storeString (403) redefined 
string: RADIOTIME_LOCAL in unknown
  [17-01-24 16:50:23.5795] Slim::Utils::Strings::storeString (403) redefined 
string: RADIOTIME_WORLD in unknown
  [17-01-24 16:50:23.5802] Slim::Utils::Strings::storeString (403) redefined 
string: RADIOTIME_SEARCH in unknown
  [17-01-24 16:50:29.4564] main::main (277) Scanner done init...

Unfortunately you sent some lines too few again... but from the above we already see where it's spending 6 minutes in the void. It's somewhere on the following three or four lines:

The "loadStrings" warnings come from S::U::Strings::init, called at above line. The "Scanner done init..." is a few lines further down.

In between there is the initialization of the importers. Which leads me right back to the question I already asked yesterday: what importers are you using?


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