I have never seen any need to change platform. The server and various
controllers (mostly Android, but I sometimes still use the Duet or a
browser) work great, and the various players all sound good for the room
I have them in. (Touches in the serious music listening rooms, Duet
receivers in others, radios in kitchen and guest rooms, Booms in my
office and bedroom--all sound great.) I also use my phone as a player,
with good headphones and connected back to the home server, when I
travel. It's a great system for flexibility, serving all the music needs
I have, or expect to have in the foreseeable future. I have some
financial investment in the hardware, and time invested in
ripping/tagging/configuring. So this is what I'll be using for a long
time. If one of the hardware players should die, I'll replace it with

The fact that Logitech chose to drop the line doesn't faze me; my
infrastructure is in place, and I love it.

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